Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

You're never going to guess what I'm about to say, because I still can't believe I can say it. I'm done with my first year of college. Yeah, I just said that. Trust me, I am just as shocked as you are. It seems like just yesterday I was moving in on August 14th wondering what I was getting myself into. Now it's move out time where I'm packing everything I just unpacked. I'm saying good-bye to all of my friends I just met. I'm closing the door for the last time to room 618.

When I came to college, I was just like every other freshman ready to get out of the house. It wasn't until I arrived when I realized how I wasn't ready at all. I left my comfort zone of Seymour where I spent 19 years with a town of people I loved. I ventured out to Indianapolis which was the last place I thought I would end up. Honestly, I never thought about applying to IUPUI, but that's why every memory here is that much sweeter. Every memory I make here is a memory that could have been different if I would have chosen to go to Ball State or Bellarmine. Now I'm not saying that I wouldn't make great memories other places, but I wouldn't trade mine for anything.

As I am looking back on the past eight months, everything's different. I made one of the best decisions ever when I joined the professional business fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi. Joining this fraternity was a complete rash decision and I wasn't sure if I would even like it. But now, I can't even imagine my life without it. I've made some of my greatest friends along with being elected as the new VPPE (code for Vice-President of Pledge Education). Then, I have KIC (Kelley Indianapolis Cares) and KSBISG (Kelley School of Business of Indianapolis Student Government) to worry about too. So I'm pretty sure I will have plenty of items to keep me busy next year.

Now let's not forget to mention I traveled to London and Paris. I'm honestly still in awe about it. I have only dreamed about going abroad and I would have never thought I would have accomplished this in my freshman year. I can now say that I have seen Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower. But outside of the sites, I experienced other people's way of life. The way they talked, walked, and lived. Trust me, every one of those is different than how we do it back here in the States. Now I have my eyes set on other countries that I hope to travel to soon. And hopefully, it is sooner rather than later.

But the best part about it all, I was able to experience all of this with my friends. So I owe a big thank you to everyone who has made this first year great.

Life really does fly by. I've learned to live in every moment. Don't look at the mistakes you made yesterday or wait for what tomorrow will bring. Take every chance that you get and don't let it pass you. Every person that you meet will shape you into the person that you will one day become. Treasure every close friendship that you do make. Grab every opportunity that you can to become involved in the college life. So that's a wrap for freshman year.

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