Friday, July 10, 2015

Love Truly Wins

Okay, I am one of those people, that when I think life is too much, I write. I write all the thoughts that are running through my head and all of the feelings that are running through my body. Well, just recently, I found a note that I didn’t have a chance to finish, but it’s something I want to share. 

“No one ever said that this would be fair. And trust me we all know how it is. But there are always days that makes it seem unbearable. There are days you will think that no one loves you, you aren’t important and that it would be better to just disappear. I promise I have those feelings all the time. It’s not fair. People tell you all the time that to be happy, to be truly and sincerely happy, you must be happy with yourself. But how can you? That’s just it, you can’t. You can’t when no one can prove to you that you’re as great of a person as they say you are.”

Yeah. I am sure that anyone can relate to having self-confidence issues. And if not, well then this is embarrassing and you probably should stop reading here. But what I’ve come to realize, that even though you will  have  those days where you hit rock bottom (or at least you think it’s rock bottom) and you think the entire world is against you where you think you have nothing going for you, there is one word that should always keep you going: LOVE. Love conquers all. Love is all around you. The love God has for you. The love others have for you. The love you have for others. And most importantly, the love you have for yourself. It’s hard to imagine how much love is in this world if you really think about it. 

More often than not, we focus too much on the hate in this world. We hate God for not giving us the things we ask for. I mean, he’s supposed to be a loving God, right? We hate others around us because we’re too busy comparing ourselves to them. Jealousy is one evilest thing in this world. We hate ourselves for not being where we planned to be. We don’t have the look, the wardrobe, or the personality that we want. See, so much hate. 

Now all of the hate in this world, how much can you control? The hate you have for God. Well, that means you are selfish, impatient, and really just need to take a chill pill. The thing you want to happen right now, at this moment, can honestly wait. One of my favorite quotes I found on Pinterest says, “You can’t rush something you want to last forever.” (Yes, I am one of those that quote a quote on Pinterest) Always keep that quote in the back of your mind when you need something now. The hate you have for others. First rule to keep in mind is that you can never change a person. Never. No matter how hard you try. When it comes to hating others, ask yourself why? If the answer is jealous, please just stop there. Step back and realize that your life is just as great. The thing about life, it is just measured in different ways. So yes, so and so may be skinnier than you, have more of an outgoing and flirty personality, and have everything you want in yourself. You call it perfection. Perfection. Perfection can be a taunting word. Now there is perfection in you too. And with perfection comes love, and with that comes loving yourself. I think it’s one of the hardest things to do in life. Now loving yourself is something that is not expected of you every day. That’s impossible. But learn to love yourself. 

Love yourself. It is something that haunts me daily. It’s all about learning to love who you are. Learning to love your body as it’s the first thing people see. As much as I hate to say it, we are a society that judges a book by its cover. We all know we’re guilty of it. Your body is the cover that everyone sees. Make that cover one to be remembered, one to be proud of, one that you love. With loving your body comes loving your insecurities. For me, I hate the way my hands make a V no matter how hard I try to close that gap. I hate the way a vein pops out of my head when I laugh too hard. I have all the stupid and rude comments from people who are too ignorant to realize what they’re saying. There’s the hate word again. But you know what? Insecurities are something you cannot change. Not. A. Single. One. So where do you go from here? Love. Love your insecurities. Embrace them. Own them. Your insecurities are those little things that make you, you. 

Trust me, I’m not all high and mighty in telling you all of this is easy to do. As you can tell from the beginning, I still have to learn to love a few more things. But I took the first step in trying and I hope you do too. Pain, sadness, heartbreak is something everyone deals with. It is not just you and thinking that the world is being cruel against you. So what is really important is that to know it is okay to fall, to cry, and think your world is coming to an end. What truly defines you is how you pick up the pieces after that. Something my uncle once told me, “There is no such thing as a bad day. You just have a little bad in every good day.” The same holds true with life. Remember that. 

Love. Love. Love. Love is what makes the world go round. Love makes every memory a little bit sweeter. Love makes every relationship that much stronger. Love is how you make a life. Love truly wins.

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